“Katy Perry Shuts Down Radio 1’s Epic Weekend”

In the world of pop music, Katy Perry is a force to be reckoned with, as evidenced by her electrifying performance at Radio 1’s Big Weekend.

At the event in Glasgow, Perry showcased why she is a top-tier artist, delivering a dynamic show filled with expressive faces and pumped fists. She closed out the festival’s Main Stage on Sunday night, leaving the audience in awe of her musical prowess.

Power woman: Katy Perry looked like a woman possessed as she took to the Main Stage at the Radio 1 Big Weekend in Glasgow o Sunday


BBC BNOC: Miss Perry was, quite literally, the centre of attention as the closing act of the two-day event at Glasgow Green


Fashion mashing: The singer managed to get futuristic, tribal and disco all into one with her unusual two-piece


More mix-up: Miss Perry was surrounded by dancers whop managed to look like samurai warriors and members of a long-lost African tribe all in one


In charge: Ms Perry, believed to be single once more, showed the crowd exactly how independent women do


A skip and a jump: More bright and flashing colours for Katy as she grabbed hold of a LED skipping rope


Solo: Meanwhile John Mayer was seen having dinner alone in West Hollywood

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